Some Boston Haikus

That's one happy 4 month old baby!

That’s one happy 4 month old baby!

Well I’m no poet, and usually when I try my poems come out much less elegant than I would like, so this is pretty foreign territory to me. Admittedly I started writing these little haikus as a joke, but with a little extra effort I think they came out pretty good. So, I decided I should share them with you so we could all have a little laugh. So, while these poems may not be very haiku-ish, I hope you enjoy them:

My name is Boston,
I like to drink mom’s mum-mum.
It tastes so yummy.

Mom, please clean me up
I’m a dirty diaper boy
Sorry for the smell.

Boston boy gives smiles
He is happy everyday.
We are so lucky!
(Martina wrote this one)

Boston has big thighs.
They have grown before my eyes,
They are so chunky!

Baby boy Boston
Burping Bubu before bed
BURP! Belching Boston.
(This one doesn’t flow as well as some of the others, but I was going for the alliteration)

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